Monthly Archives: September 2016
9-11 Reflections
The 9/11 ataket heapend in nyc, wasten DC and pensvaiea. The most tirvied moment was the ariplain crishg in the twin tares like in the poto her show the arplain hit hard in the tare so hard it went in to flams. That no wend sevifd in the crash. when it crombel down it was … Continue reading 9-11 Reflections
Life in 5th grade
I am in the fifth grade,we had some up and dows and some fun times we saw a fork to work a tv. The 911 video in Mac bride was sad. On the frist weak of school I made a hundred in science. My report card is great I’m making A,B and no C. We … Continue reading Life in 5th grade
Super Digital Citizen
My name is Super bob ham.My super power is make sure people are safe when they are asking to share something on the internet.
I went to make 2 hundereds in Science once a week.